Tuesday, July 31, 2012


One drawback to living in Vegas are all the cockroaches! I don't understand how they even get in the house. They are so disgusting. I liked the efforts of that movie WALL-E trying to make them seem friendly and cute, but I just don't buy it. Once you see one scurry across your kitchen floor you don't think, "Aw, cute WALL-E cockroach!" rather you think, "I want you dead!"

(And just FYI the dots surrounding the glass are itty-bitty "baby" cockroaches that are dead. Are they flocking to the mother roach? They just remind me of the aliens from the scary movie Alien.)  

I like to deal with them by putting a glass cup over them and then make Brian dispose of them when he gets home. Sometimes James gets to them before I do and he likes to play with them, pull off their legs, and examine God's little creatures. It just makes me shudder and get that icky feeling down my spine. 

Yesterday I broke two of these glasses---one of which was imprisoning a cockroach that I forgot was on the  floor. Not only did I shatter the glass but I also freed the bug! Horribleness! I didn't know which issue to address first---recapture the cockroach or pick up the glass shards so James or I wouldn't cut ourselves. I chose the bug. I'd rather have us bleeding than a creepy cockroach on the loose in the house!

James doesn't seem to mind them. Boys. 


  1. Seriously, the roaches are the worst thing about living here. They make me want to barf! As long as we spray the outside of our house with bug stuff (I don't know what it's called, but I buy it at walmart) they don't come inside. Have you tried it?

  2. GROSS!! We don't have roaches, thank HEAVEN. But we do have mice occasionally. Did NY just not ever have any pests?! I don't remember dealing with anything this bad there. It's looking better and better to me...
