Friday, October 3, 2014

Trip to Oklahoma

I took a last minute trip with James and baby Christina before baby number three is born. I don't foresee myself traveling alone much after we have three kids... So I booked a flight to Oklahoma to see my family and escape the last of the hot Vegas summer.

It was funny to see James meet new people on this trip and hear him talk about himself. He would disclose his full name, birthday, address and other sensitive personal information. I don't think we will be teaching him his Social Security number anytime soon! But I guess if he ever got lost he would be helpful to the police in giving them his information... 

Oklahoma is serious about their football teams and marching bands. James and grandpa went to watch Jenny in the parade and the homecoming game of her high school.

Jenny playing in the marching. Jenny helps keep me current on all things popular culture. She seems to think I'm pretty far behind and old now. She was impressed with some of my knowledge and correct usage of things but her compliments sounded like when she compliments my mom for being up-to-date and those compliments always seem half backhanded!

She informed me that Facebook is now for old people and moms and Instagram and Snapchat are where it's popular now. I told her I did have an Instagram account but that I had only posted one picture and it was 26 weeks ago. She wasn't very impressed! But I have 3 or 4 followers and a couple likes just from that one photo so looking at percentages here I personally think that's not too bad for just posting one picture! Even with that logic she's still not impressed!

We went several times to this delicious Thai restaurant. It was some of the best food I've ever had and I felt badly that Brian wasn't with us. My parents thought James was a funny boy because he LOVES to go out to eat at sit down restaurants and is always very well behaved. James will have a conniption if he even thinks we are going to go through the drive-thru somewhere. He insists on going inside. (I think he may have gotten that from me... I can't help that I like to go inside and enjoy my time and refill my Diet Coke!) And I wish I could say that this is just an unflattering picture of me, but I'm pretty sure I really am that big and ready to have this baby!

We also went to this gas station/burger joint off Route 66 called Pops. They have thousands of different kinds of bottled soda from all over. They even had several sodas from the nostalgic Stewart's bottled in New York. 

James and grandpa playing some "Robot Table Tennis". They are a pretty cute duo!

On our way home after our very fun trip!

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