Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

 I've always loved the fall and Halloween season (but not dressing up as I've mentioned before) and James seemed to quite like the holiday as well!  Brian made me dress up a little for our church's trunk-or-treat so I managed to put on a BYU football jersey. And James was a monkey! (I really wanted Brian and me to go as Gaius Baltar and Caprica 6 in her red dress from Battlestar Galactica. Brian said it was too nerdy to do it and wouldn't let us! But I thought it would have been great and the few people out there that know what I'm talking about would have loved it!)

And I must add---look at my amazingly healthy retinas! They reflected so red in these pictures!

James didn't understand that it was candy, but he liked having people give him things. And he loved seeing all the other kids out and about. He got especially excited when the kids came to us and rang our doorbell. He would run to the door and impatiently wait for me to follow and open the door. 

P.S. And James totally ran into the wall and wiped out flat on his back because he couldn't see in his costume. It was so funny (and sad) and it would have become a Youtube hit if we had gotten it on camera! 


  1. I don't think it's coincidence that Doug didn't want to dress up either - but I made him do it anyway, you guys are troopers. James is so cute, I wish you had gotten it on camera!
