Thursday, November 10, 2011

Messy Eater

Lately, James has been asserting his independence. One thing he likes to do on his own is feed himself. He's gotten pretty good, and by that I mean he gets food into his mouth.

But he also gets it everywhere else! And that always makes me a little nervous. A little snippet about me is that I hate messiness and have to have near perfect--if not completely perfect--tidiness and cleanliness. This at times (okay almost all the time) drives my husband crazy. But I think deep down he is grateful for it.

Another thing about me, is that I always wanted to be a mom. I was never scared or nervous about being a mom and caring for a baby or kids except for ONE thing. And that one thing is the mess that they would make---whether it was on themselves or in my house or even car. I remember seeing this Brawny paper towel commercial (or one just like it) when I was pregnant and I got physically anxious and nervous about having a baby. Don't worry, I got over it and I am adjusting to my cute little boy and all his messes! (I haven't adjusted to Brian's messes yet, he should know better...)


  1. I feel the same way sometimes. I think for me though, it's the unpredictability of their messes. It's not like it's just a meal time. It's like you could turn your back for a second and have red sharpie all over your wall kind of a thing. It's those "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" moments of mother mess panic that I hate haha.

  2. ahhhhhhhhhh i dont even let fae try to feed herself (im a bad parent) I can't STAND the mess, it drives me insane! but I will have to get over that soon I think. I love mr james he is so sweet. Can't wait until you guys come here to visit! Fae misses her friend!!
