Sunday, February 15, 2015

Claire from 1 to 3 months

We feel so blessed to have sweet Claire in our family. Her personality is already shinning through at just a few months old! She is a very content and happy baby. She does, however, cry more than James and Christina ever did. But on the other hand, those two like never, ever cried, so I think we had abnormal expectations! She loves to be in the Björn like her big sister, but Claire likes to face outward and look all around (unlike Christina who burrows her head into my neck to hide her eyes). Claire loves to be held, but not really cuddled. She likes to be held facing outward, like in the Björn. She only cuddles when she's nursing. And nursing is also something she really loves! (As you will see by how progressively chubby she's gotten in the photos below!) Claire is such a chatterbox and she squeals and sings like she has very important things to say! She must get her chattiness from me! She is an amazing little sleeper, I almost hate telling other new moms when they ask about how she sleeps because she sleeps so well! She averages between 10 and 13 hours of continuous sleep in the night, which has been such a saving grace for me because I get especially crabby (crazy) on little sleep!

Is that a double or a triple chin?

We got Claire's ears pierced! I knew I was going to get them done, since I love little pierced ears. I was planning to wait until she was about 6 months old, but we had her in this super frilly dress at church and I just kept looking at her in this dress and all I could was James in a dress. And I felt she needed some feminizing! 

Oh that grin just kills me!

And that belly! But surprisingly, she is slender compared to James as a baby. This is James and Claire both at three months. They look awfully similar! James was fatter of course!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy reading your blog. Loved seeing your daughters precious earrings. Think you were a smart mommy for getting her ears pierced now when mommy can care for them. Like you, I always dreamed of having a little girl with cute little pierced earrings. The best time to do it is under six months according to our pediatrician who encouraged me to do it and gave me some tips for mom having their babies and little girls ears pierced.

    There is nothing sweeter than a baby with little pierced earrings. It makes them look so feminine and ingénue. Our daughter is two now and is girlie-girl. She loves changing her earrings to match her dresses.

    Any moms looking for more research on "to pierce or not to pierce," drop me an e-mail for our ped's suggestions.
