Friday, March 20, 2015

Weight Loss 2.0

Brian believes that I have little guile -- scratch that --  no guile. This is evidenced by his most recent post on Facebook in which he quoted me saying, "I'm not being critical, I'm just telling you that you are doing it wrong." Which by the way, I stand behind and do not renege. But I digress.

So back to my point, Brian thinks I have no guile and that I am slow to embarrassment. These traits are arguably bad traits, but at times can help others. I hope in this instance they can be helpful! Which brings me to Weight Loss 2.0. Three years ago I blogged about losing weight after my pregnancy with James but since then I have had two more babies which have caused weight gain. (I linked the previous blog posts about my weight loss if you're interested.)

Part 1
Part 2

So I am now entering my second edition of weight loss and I thought it might be interesting and hopefully helpful to some to bring you along on my journey as I start. I tried not to worry about weight loss for the first few months after Claire was born, but she is now 4 months old and I am ready to start! And back to me having no guile, I am not at all embarrassed to admit my weight, size, what I eat, etc. So I will share real numbers and figures and what I really am doing and eating to lose weight; my struggles and achievements. For me, it is helpful when people talk about starting and ending weights, achievable exercise plans and real-life eating (gluten and dairy filled, non-vegan, non-paleo diets). Enjoy this video! (And no offense meant to the few 1% of people that actually have diagnosed Celiac Disease.)

Weight Gain since 2012:

Before I got pregnant with Christina I weighed 130 pounds. During my pregnancy with Christina I gained 39 pounds. At her birth I weighed 169. I quickly dropped 24 pounds to 145 (15 pounds shy of my pre-pregnancy weight). But I quickly got pregnant with Claire, at 6 months postpartum, having not lost all of the pregnancy weight. During my pregnancy with Claire I gained 40 pounds, weighing in at 185 day of delivery. (Interestingly, I gained 39-40 pounds exactly with all three pregnancies, regardless of what I did!) So now I am 4.5 months postpartum and I have lost 25 pounds without actively trying to lose weight, but my weight loss has plateaued for about the last two months at 160 pounds. Which means it's time to start making it come off! I don't know if anyone else has had similar pregnancy weight gains and losses. I essentially gained 40 pounds and easily lost 25 of them before plateauing, just my starting weights differed.

Starting numbers:

160 pounds
5'5'' (I obviously don't think this is going to change, this for reference to my general size)
BMI 26.6 (considered overweight)
Size 10 in clothing

And here's a few awkward before pictures. (I always feel so weird when I pose for a photo.)


To lose 1-2 pounds per week
Lose 30 pounds by beginning of August
My end goal is to reach my pre-pre-pregnancy weight of 130 pounds

I am trying to be realistic and not too hard on myself about losing the weight. But I know I feel better when I am eating well, regularly exercising and of course fitting nicely in my clothes! I will do updates periodically with my progress!

Wish me luck! And if you want to join in with me, let me know. I love weight loss buddies!


  1. I started Weight Watchers about a month ago and am loving it! I still have about 15 pounds before I reach my goal so I'll be your weight loss buddy! Please? Ugh I wish we lived closer.

  2. I've gained 15-20 since getting married last year and I'd love to join in! What are some specific steps you plan on taking towards your goal?

  3. I am totally going to follow your progress and use it to motivate me! I'm 7 mos postpartum and have 15-18 lbs to lose. And I'm working on it, But it's slow going and a lot of times at a standstill. I'm with you!

  4. I'm in! However, I'm not brave enough to post photos. You go girl!

  5. Your numbers are just like mine. I was 140 when I got pregnant with Lawson and I weighed 190 by the time I had Lawson and lost down to 160 before I plateaued and had to actually begin working at it to loose the rest of the weight. It was frustrating, I was determined that I was not going to settle for 160 so I worked hard at it. My biggest struggle was dealing with the emotional eating. If you would like details of what I did, let me know.

    I was hoping to get back to 135 or 140, but in the end I got down to 125, a weight I never thought I would ever be again. I kept it between 130-135 for 10 years, until I turned 40. Now I'm struggling again, but again, I am determined that I am not going to let age determine what I weigh. So I will gladly join you on a weight loss journey.
