Monday, March 31, 2014

Throwback photo circa 1991

I've been seeing a lot of my brother James in baby Christina. They both have/had Trisomy 2q13 so I assume there must be shared features with this diagnosis but since they are the only two in the world with this exact diagnosis it's hard to know for sure! 

Here's a throwback picture of me and my brothers. (Sorry Jenny, you weren't born yet!) You can see how my James and I share a lot of similarities and baby Christina and my brother James look very similar (He's on the bottom right for those didn't know James.) And we love to keep things really confusing with the names Christina and James!

And the pose evolved to James smothering his sister! Sometimes he just won't leave her alone!


  1. HA! Obviously day to day, those names aren't THAT confusing, but I had to read that sentence like 3 times before I understood who you thought looked similar :) Your kids are darling. Wish we lived closer!

  2. Baby girl! She is so sweet. And I love that throwback photo :)
