Friday, December 13, 2013

James-isms & James Lately

Since James' vocabulary and speech have really taken off lately, he is never quiet and is very chatty! Much like his mother! And with his endless chatter he has said some funny things. 

 Here are some highlights that I could remember (with some context where needed!): 

“You’re a person.” - James said this out of the blue to an adult family friend.

“I like those in my mouth” - I was baking chocolate and butterscotch chip cookies and he saw the butterscotch chips bag on the counter.

"Look at me, I'm handsome!" - No context needed here!

“Mom! Hurry, go kiss daddy! He’s leaving!” - Every morning before Brian goes to work, Brian and I have a mini-make out session and Brian was about to leave for work and we hadn't kissed, or at least James didn't think we had!

"Mom, a both-of-us showie, okay?" - This is said when I'm going to put on a show to watch that is for me and isn't animated. James suggests that we watch one that has real people, but is family or kids oriented as a compromise. E.g. Stuart Little or Mr. Bean.

"Royals...royals" - He loves this song, Royals by Lorde and totally sings along!

Here's some other stuff James has been up to!

I went upstairs for about five minutes and came downstairs to this! How did he even know how to set it up?! It must be part of kids' genetic makeup!

Playing trains. I always have to help set it up, but then he'll play for a long while! 

Loving his sister. Though she seemed not to love it as much! 

Oh yeah. And this happened. I heard James crying in his room but I couldn't get him to come out. When he finally did, this is what I saw! He'd put on sister's shirt and was crying trying to get it off but it was stuck and digging into his arm pits! Oh, I laugh every time I look at this picture!


  1. Hahaha omg those pictures of him in Christina's shirt are killing me! I'm dying.

  2. HAHAHA those photos at the end are hilarious!! Oh my gosh. I literally laughed out loud. And I loved the quote of "Kiss Daddy! He's leaving!" - how cute. He's a lucky kid to be raised in a home where he sees that his parents love each other. :)
