Friday, October 18, 2013

Updates on baby & James

James loves to kiss and cuddle baby sister but he needs some supervision as to not smother her with his love! 

James has adjusted very well to having a sister. It was tough when she was in the hospital and I was traveling back and forth several times a day without him. But now that life is more stable and we've found our new normal James is happy to be a big brother! He has started to be quite protective of Christina and will even chastise me for things he thinks I'm doing wrong to sister. Like the other day I had the windows down in the car and he was so worried that baby girl was cold and yelled at me to roll them up!

Baby Christina is quite an easy baby, she is happy just to be held all day! She has been spoiled lately in that she ends up in our bed at night! It's hard to let her cry if she just wants to come cuddle with me in bed!

Her eating is still a daily struggle but we manage and she's improving and increasing in volume of food. It is likely that she will always be very teeny tiny no matter how much she eats! 

Baby Christina at seven weeks:

-Loves to be held and cuddled
-Sleeps most of the day, quite placid but she's alert at feedings and for part of the evening when its dark
-Extremely light sensitive
-Loves to be in the BabyBjorn on walks and outings
-Starting to enjoy bath time
-Enjoys Target and Costco (because besides doctors appointments those are most of her outings!)
-Learning to nurse, more for supplement and bonding, not main source of nutrition
-Desires to eat and cries when hungry (she started to do this at about 4 weeks old, prior to that she couldn't have cared less about eating, that was a little scary, so her desire is a good thing!)
-20.5 in. long and weighs about 7 lbs, 6 oz. (born 18 in. and 5 lbs, 3 oz.)
-Still in newborn size clothes (I'm getting lots of use out of them, unlike with James who outgrew his newborn  clothes before we were even discharged from the hospital!)

We love our two little sweethearts! We are grateful for how both James and Christina are growing and improving. Though their individual achievements will greatly differ, I believe this life is more about the direction we are going than how far we go. 


  1. Thanks for the update! I am always asking Bri about you and the kids. I should just call you and get the real scoop. That is hilarious that sweet James scolds you for you parenting. Can't wait to meet baby C!

  2. I love that! "I believe this life is more about the direction we are going than how far we go."

    Our thoughts are with you guys. -Lauren

  3. It's great to get an update! What an adorable big brother James is, that just melts my heart. He is such a sweet boy. (I especially loved the story about the car windows, that is so funny.) I'm glad to hear that baby Christina has a little more desire for food now. She's definitely grown up since the last pictures I saw of her! I can't wait until I get to meet our sweet new niece in person. :) Love you guys!

  4. Love this post. That cracks me up about James. At least he is really trying to help her. Bennett was really good with Elsie, but sometimes I'd still get, "Elsie just needs you to be with me right now, Mom." ummm, nice try buddy : ) And I know exactly what you mean about smothering the baby with love, literally. Good thing our girls have good big brothers! She may still be small, but she is already looking so much bigger!
