Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Monkey

So the reason I didn't get upset with James when I came into the room and found him doing this was because I mean how could I be mad!? He was so cute! I purposely leave a bowl of fruit out that is in James' reach so he can help himself to a healthy snack if he is hungry. He usually just takes ONE banana, orange or whatever it may be and brings it to me to peel it. But on this day he thought he was clever because he had figured out how to peel the bananas and had a fun time doing so, only taking one or two bites from each. I ended up making green smoothies with all the leftover bananas. 

And though it is sad to admit, I too was a messy child! Like seriously, what was I eating? Jam!?


  1. I love the idea of leaving fruit out in reach -- we need to do that! And I love the messy kids in these pictures!

  2. ahh! I love seeing a childhood picture of you!! Although, you kinda look like you have been mugged!! :-) is it just the lighting? Or maybe jam on your face? Either way, cute pics!
