Sunday, August 24, 2014

One Year

It is hard to believe that it has been one year since our sweet baby Christina was born. In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago. It has been a wonderful year with our little angel and we are so amazed with her progress since we weren't even sure she'd survive the first year. Now she is a (relatively) strong and thriving girl! She still has many challenges and always will, but she is happy and comfortable and that is what is most important to us.  

When we contemplate on this past year we have learned and grown so much with Christina. In reflection some of the things we've learned:

To find joy in very small accomplishments and milestones

As morbid as it may sound, but just go to sleep and hope she's still alive in the morning, and if she's not that's okay

The respite of good friends is important

Find humor and take light of things

Don't be surprised to receive doctor bills nine months after date of service

Keeping your marriage strong and romantic is important

It's good to get out of the house and still do normal routines with the kids

Get a good group of doctors but don't let them push you around

Lots a medical knowledge, some doctors legitimately thought I had been to medical school

Be comfortable to talk and be blunt about Christina's condition so others are more comfortable around her

Don't get offended by comments of others and children really do say what they think, but I find that refreshing

I'm always surprised at the people Christina takes a liking to 

I'm also surprised at the people that just adore her and find her genuinely beautiful 

James' favorite primary song to sing is called I Will Follow God's Plan. Since having Christina this song has had new meaning to me. Every life has a purpose and is of value. Even that of a severely handicapped little girl. Her life may differ from most others but it is still a gift and a blessing. We are all God's children and He loves each of us. 

My life is a gift; my life has a plan.
My life has a purpose; in heav'n it began.
My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth
And seek for God's light to direct me from birth.
I will follow God's plan for me,
Holding fast to his word and his love.
I will work, and I will pray;
I will always walk in his way.
Then I will be happy on earth
And in my home above.