Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My Little Bouncer

My dear friend gave us this bouncer and my little Christina has loved it! Claire likes it too, like any other 4-month-old baby would! But for me, it is extra fun to see Christina enjoy things since finding things she likes and responds to are hard to come by! For those that knew my brother James, I'm sure you remember how much he loved music. Especially opera music preformed by male vocalists. He would tolerate Lawrence Welk, church music, female opera singers, and a few others. But male opera singing was his absolute favorite. If you ever came over to our house, the music would be blaring in his room. Thinking about this makes me nostalgic for those times and also so happy that he had such joy in something. I pray that my sweet little Christina will find something she loves in her life. And seeing her play in this bouncer the past few days gives me hope that she will find joy in her sweet, diminutive life. 

And I thought I'd share a video clip of her playing, especially for those who haven't met little Christina so you can see just how cute she is!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cutie! I love reading your updates about Christina. It's so sweet to see her having fun!
